Old dudes pitchperfect movie#
She's not what made the movie better than the first for me at all. Mike: For me, Hailee Steinfeld could have been any generic teen actress and it would have been the same. Do you even know which one Hailee Steinfeld was? I was also kind of into Hailee Steinfeld too. Even though she just did more of the same, she did it really well. If I had to pick a fave, it would be Rebel Wilson. I do think she did her #angsty #awkward thing well.

Tess: +1 on the Anna Kendrick concert idea. I would go to a concert of hers if she had one. She was her usual self: effortlessly dominating the film by being so innocent and cute, but hard at the same time. She was ~FlawLess*~ as you Cosmo girls would say. I was hoping for nothing but the best! But whatever. I was a full-on aca-bitch coming into this. Tess: Listen, I say this all with great sadness. Did you even hear "Lady Marmalade" and "MMMBop" back-to-back in the same mash-up? Come on, bro. I felt like this was Spider-Man 2 (The Tobey Maguire version) of sequels. Mike: This is frustrating because I couldn't disagree more. At least when you watched that, there was some acknowledgement that they knew that you knew that you were watching the exact same movie again! You really didn't feel like you were being talked down to the whole time? To me, the whole thing, the Bellas, the competition, the love stories … It all felt like a less smart version of 22 Jump Street. Anyway, I want to talk more about the meat of this movie. Tess: Well, that's why he was recording a pretend Christmas album. Mike: My man Barack did steal the show from Rebel Wilson's vagina, but surprisingly I'm not going to say him or the Green Bay Packers, and I'm gonna go with Robin Roberts FTW. Speaking of the Obamas, who was your favorite cameo? Also, who the hell thought there'd be so many?! Example: Amy having no shame for straight-up vag-flashing the Obamas was 👍. I feel so bad feminist because part of me did love the dumbest moments of the movie even though I knew it wasn't right. Mike: … Its a musical comedy about … a cappella. Cynthia-Rose was cast as a creepy predator - just because she's a lesbian? Tell me you didn't notice these things! The only thing Flo, the Hispanic character, talked about was getting deported. Tell me you didn't notice HOW slutty Stacy was, HOW fat Amy was. If you took every character and listed out her lines, each one of them was literally an IRL stereotype. Nothing (again, besides the music) was fresh. Mike: What's the opposite of stale? Fresh? I think the music was better than the first and I can sum up the in-between by just saying "Fat Amy and Bumper 4 Eva." You didn't think that everything in between the singing was. The a cappella was by far the best part of this movie. I was really into Anna Kendrick covering angry Carrie Underwood. Tess: You happened to look over at my absolute favorite moment. Mike: Are you lying?! I looked over at one point and when Beca did her best Carrie Underwood I thought I saw you tear up.

Tess: Glad to hear you loved it because I'm sad to admit I didn't!! So that's cool. I'm hooked, let's go see Pitch Perfect 3!